Presentations made at the ERVO 2011 meeting held in Italy
ERVO presentations
IAMC - CNR Institute for Coastal Marine Environment, A. Perilli
Evolution of ERVO Possible TOR for ERVO WG to make recommendations on evolution of ERVO-EUROFLEETS relationship, M. Gillooly
European Research Vessel Operators (ERVO) - Terms of Reference, M. Gillooly
European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology, S. Sá
Multi-Puropose Survey and ROV Support Vessel - IMOR, K. Szefler
Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences University of Gothenburg, O. Björlin
A New Marine Research Platform in the Frame of "PARFAMAR" Project, E. Marsella
Sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea: an overview on recent CNR research initiatives, B. Patti
Replacement of the RV Belgica built 1984 - Feasibility study, A. Pollentier
VLIZ - RV Zeeleeuw, A. Cattrijsse
Newcastle University New Inshore Research Vessel, B. Wigham
CSIRO R/V Investigator, D. Rolland
US Ocean Class AGOR Program, D. Rolland
Designing green and silent RVs, E. Campana
New Builds: Research Vessel Design and scientific requirements, J. Dañobeitia
Italian Update 2010 - National Research Council, F. Trincardi
FP 7 Project SIOS-PP "Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System" - Preparatory Phase, E. Strønen
Toward a Mediterranean Network of Observing Systems, F. Trincardi
Eurofleets: main results after 2 years, J. Binot
Results on existing fleets foreseeable evolution for the next 10 years, G.P. Gasparini
Eurofleets WP3 Eco-Resonsibility and Eco-design for existing and new research vessels, A. Cattrijsse
ZEELEEUW - A show piece for sea-education, A. Cattrijsse
ERVO Posters - National Updates
RRS Discovery Replacement Project - Status as of April 2011 .pdf
RV Belgica Activity 2010 .pdf
Flanders Marine Institute - VLIZRV Zeeleeuw .pdf
Marine Institute Vessel activity 2010 .pdf
German Research Vessels .pdf
CSIC Research Vessels Activity .pdf
Research Vessel and ROV's at the Lovén Centre, Sweden .pdf
CNR - Italian Update 2010 .pdf
IO-BAS - 2010 Bulgarian Nation Research Vessel Fleet .pdf