Presentations made at the ERVO 2014 meeting held in Spain
ERVO presentations
G. Magnifico - Opening ERVO 2014 and Round Table
G. Magnifico - ERVO way ahead
V. Mazauric - On-going Eurofleets2 activities
M.A. Ojeda - WP3 – Flagship initiative for polar access
G. Magnifico - WP4 – Task 4.1 – Regional virtual fleets
A. Castellon - WP11 – Regional RVs guidelines and generic designs
J. Sorribas - WP13 – New standards for on-board software development. Eurofleets & SeaDataNet project
P. Nieuwejaar - Two on-going new Norwegian build projects, a polar vessel and a tropical vessel
A. Grazzini - Upgrades of two Italian RVs: Urania and Minerva Uno
K. von Bröckel - Construction of RV SONNE: from steel plate to research vessel within 17 months
R. Codiglia - RV OGS-Explora: current status and incoming refitting
P. Nieuwejaar - The New Norwegian deep water ROV, the NORMAR ROV
C. Parareda - Manned Submersible Ictineu 3
J.J. Danobeitia - CSIC RV chartering experience
C. Day - Successful OFEG exchange (seismic system + technicians)
M. Tannerfeldt - FARO - Forum of Arctic Research Operators and ARICE – an initiative for joint use of research icebreakers
B. Morales-Nin - Seas-Era Marine Research Infrastructures updated overview, European integration and vision of the future
A. Catrijsse - How to benchmark RV operational costs
P. D’Anselmi - Cost/benefit analysis of a RV: a first approach to sharing a methodology
P. Nieuwejaar - Certification process for an DNV GL certified integrated ISM/ISO quality and safety management system
J.J. Danobeitia - The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) - Code
O. Quédec - Diplomatic clearance problems
O. Lefort and V. Mazauric -Contribution of the EUROFLEETS Fleet Evolution Group to ERVO: update of the EurOcean RV Infobase and renewal plans follow-up
E. Koning - OFEG updating progress on Ocean/Global RVs
A. Fitzgerald - IRSO and ERVO: how to work more closely
S. Sá - EurOcean/ERVO cooperation
ERVO Posters - National Updates