Presentations made at the ERVO 2016 meeting held in Greece
ERVO presentations
1st day - Regional Focus
O. Quédec - Regional Focus Agenda [pdf]
O. Quédec - Ifremer naval facilities [pdf]
E. Koning - Dutch research activities in the Mediterranean and Black Seas [pdf]
I. Sage - Introducing CMRE [pdf]
I. Sage - STO - CMRE [pdf]
2nd day - General Assembly
O. Quédec - General Assembly Agenda [pdf]
G. Magnifico - Content Analysis of ERVO minutes: First Results [pdf]
2nd day - ERVO meeting
A. Sioulas/A. Karageorgis - Welcome address by Dr Andreas Sioulas, HCMR Rhodes station Director - HCMR's activities presentation - Hydro biological station of Rhodes presentation [pdf]
O. Quédec - Introduction 18thERVO meeting [pdf]
S. Sá - ERVO new website [pdf]
S. Sá - ERVO/EUROCEAN agreement [pdf]
H. Karan - New member introductory presentation - TUBITAK [pdf]. [Video1], [Video2], [Video3], [Video4]
I. Sage - New member introductory presentation – NATO/CMRE [pdf]
L. Naudts - RV Belgica: damage, repairs and refit [pdf]
A. Grazzini - A.D. 2015: good times, bad times for CNR and SOPROMAR [pdf]
O. Quédec - Middle life refit Ifremer R/V Thalassa [pdf]
A. Fitzgerald - MI R/V Celtic Voyager, engine failure 2015 - Lessons learnt [pdf]
A. Fitzgerald - A replacement for Celtic Voyager? Possible Vessel designs for Marine Institute [pdf]
A. Fitzgerald - Celtic Voyager Survey Summary Slides [pdf]
J. Ytreland - Modification of the existing IMR R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen to prepare her for cruises in the Arctic [pdf]
J. Ytreland - Installation of a hybrid propulsion system on IMR R/V Johan Hjort [pdf]
D. Cattrijsse - Greening ships & ports [pdf]
D. Cattrijsse - Performance of the former VLIZ R/V Zeeleeuw, now operating in Kenya as R/V MtafitI [pdf]
E. Koning - NIOZ - New deep sea cable test [pdf]
O. Quédec - Ifremer new H-ROV Ariane [pdf]
J. Ytreland - INMARTECH 2016 Norway - Announcement [pdf]
G. Magnifico - National Research Council – CNR (ITALY) Oceanographic infrastructure an overview [pdf]
3rd day - ERVO meeting
A. Fitzgerald - IRSO update
M. Ojeda - New polar code: last news [pdf]
V. Mazauric - EUROFLEETS2 project [pdf]
P. Gorringe - EuroGOOS, EOOS and links to Global initiatives (by SKYPE) [pdf]
P. Gorringe - EMODnet - European Marine Observation and Data Network - Physics [pdf]
O. Quédec - OFEG update [pdf]
ERVO Posters - National Updates
Belgium - RV Belgica activity 2015
EUROFLEETS2 - JRA1: Regional Research Vessels guidelines and generic designs Bubble Sweep Down Avoidance
France - French Oceanographic Fleet activity report 2015
Germany - German Research Vessels
Italy - CNR Update
Italy - R/V OGS EXPLORA – refitting of a old lady
Spain - Research Vessels operated by CSIC