Presentations made at the ERVO 2018 meeting held in Malta
ERVO presentations
1st day - Regional Focus
Spain – J. Sorribas/J. Prades (CISC)
Malta – A. Micallef and vessel operators (Univ. of Malta)
Italy – Ocean Infrastructure and Technology Development at CNR - L. Evangelista (CNR)
France – P. Morin (Ifremer)
2nd day - General Assembly
A. Steuwer - Welcome address by the Administrative Director, Research Support Services, University of Malta
K. Lackschewitz - Opening 20th ERVO and round Table
K. Lackschewitz - Review and approval of ERVO 2017 minutes
K. Lackschewitz - Regional Focus: Report to the group
K. Lackschewitz - Introduction 20th ERVO meeting
O. Mikkelsen - Marine and underwater technology products and systems: MacArtney DK
Theme 1: Delegates Reports of Activity
A. Micallef - New member introductory presentation (Univ. of Malta, Malta)
M. Carapuço - New member introductory presentation (IPMA, Portugal)
Theme 2: RV builds, Modifications and performance
J. Flinkman - Rebuilt RV ARANDA
L. Smith - New Faroer Research Vessel
N. Lourenço - New Portuguese RV MAR PORTUGAL
J. Ytreland - New coastal vessel Norway
M. Sköld - New Swedish vessel SVEA
S. Cullen - New Irish coastal boats, drones and inshore operations
L. Naudts - Replacement of RV BELGICA (New RV)
Theme 3: Manning, Safety and training
A. Fitzgerald - Update: Impact of MLC
A. Cattrijsse - EU rules on state aid to companies
Theme 4: RV technology
L. Meinders - A new particle filter on RV HEINCKE
J. Mälkiä - Biofuel
D. Waage - Dynema solutions for lifting and data cables
A. Fitzgerald - Current status on European research fleet broadband
Theme 5: Common issues around research vessels
N. Dwyer - Status of the EurOcean RID 2.0 development
E. Koning - Marine Facilities Program
Theme 6: Cooperation and Outreach
L. Naudts - EMB/ERVO position paper on future European RV fleet
G. Magnifico & E. Koning - EMB/ERVO position paper questionnaire WP4 & WP6
A. Fitzgerald - EUROFLEETS+ project
P. Gorringe - EuroGOOS, EOOS and links to Global initiatives
A. Cattrijsse - ERVO’s reply to the EOOS consultation
G. Magnifico - The EU framework for sustainable RIs: possible actions for the European Research Fleet
E. Koning - IRSO update
K. Lackschewitz - OFEG update
K. Lackschewitz - Topics, date & place ERVO 2019
ERVO Posters - National Updates
Belgium - RV Belgica activity 2017
Belgium - RV Simon Stevin
France - Genavir Report
Germany - German Research Vessels
Spain - Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) - Cruise Activities