
Presentations made at the ERVO 2019 meeting held in Hamburg

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 ERVO presentations

1st day - Special Session ARICE ”Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium”

Towards a better coordination and harmonization of the Arctic Research Vessel fleet – V. Willmott (AWI)

Potential beneficiaries of a better coordinated European polar research vessel fleet –  J. Dahl (SPRS)

Examples of existing systems of research cooperation and coordination:

ISAAFFIK Arctic Gateway - K. Edelvang (DTU-Aqua)

OFEG barter-system - M. Ojeda (UTM-CSIC)

A consortium that jointly funds international research cruises in the Arctic Ocean – V. Willmott (AWI)


2nd day - General Assembly

K. Lackschewitz & A. Gerriets - Practical arrangements of Day 1

C. Betzler - Welcome address, German Research Fleet Coordination Centre

K. Lackschewitz - Opening 21th ERVO and round Table

L. Naudts - Review and approval of ERVO 2018 minutes

L. Naudts - ARICE session: Report to the group

P. Nieuwejaar - EMB/ERVO position paper on future European RV fleet


Theme 1: Delegates Reports of Activity

G. Tibor - New member introductory presentation

D. Cattrijsse - Marine Robotics Centre


Theme 2: RV builds, Modifications and performance

M. Klages - Replacement of the Research Cutter “UTHÖRN” from AWI

L. Naudts - Replacement of RV BELGICA (NEW RV)


A. Karageorgis & S. Mavrakos - Replacement of RV AEGEAO (New RV) and a new deep-sea ROV

J. Ytreland & P. Nieuwejaar - New coastal research vessel & update of RV DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN & RV KRONPRINS HAAKON

J. Flinkman - RV ARANDA Refit



Theme 3: Manning, Safety and training

P. Nieuwejaar - Capacity building on crew, instrument technicians and operators


Theme 4: RV technology

J. Ytreland - VSAT and internet access – challenges and improvements

T. Liebe - Communication during MOSAIC

L. Meinders - Waste treatment system/gasification system

G. Magnifico - Setting up a strategic plan for the European RVs Operators Community: first outcomes from the Eurofleets+ WP8: “Foresight and roadmap”


Theme 2: RV builds, Modifications and performance

P. Morin - French Oceanographic Fleet: Schedule for renewal

N. Andersson - How not to order a new research vessel


3rd day - General Assembly


Theme 5: Common issues around research vessels

S. SáStatus of the new EurOcean RID database

P. Nieuwejaar - Potential improvements on the EurOcean RV and LEXI infobases                                              


Theme 2: RV builds, Modifications and performance 

L. Thorell - R/V Svea Sweden’s new research vessel


Theme 6: Cooperation and Outreach

R. Butler - EUROFLEETS+ project

L. Evangelista - Toward a long-term TA system of Research Vessels: preliminary results of the SWOT analysis on legal frameworks

V. Willmott - ARICE-Project

E. Koning - IRSO update

K. Lackschewitz - OFEG update 

S. Florescu - Topics, date & place ERVO 2020



ERVO Posters - National Updates


Belgium - New RV Belgica

Belgium - RV Belgica

Belgium - RV Simon Stevin

France - 2018 Activity of the French Oceanographic Fleet

France - French Oceanographic Fleet

Germany - German Research Vessels

Italy - R/V Laura Bassi

Romania - National Update

Spain - Cruise activity IEO

UK - RV Cefas Endeavour


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